Professor Dr Volker Fendrich
Medical Director - Schoen Clinic Hamburg Eilbek
Chief physician - Endocrine Surgery
Specialist in Surgery and Abdominal Surgery
Schoen Clinic Hamburg Eilbek
Marburg University Hospital
Marburg University Hospital
Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, USA
Marburg University Hospital
. Genetic and pharmacologic abrogation of Snail1 inhibits acinar-to-ductal metaplasia in precursor lesions of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma and pancreatic injury
Fendrich V, Jendryschek F, Beeck S, Albers M, Lauth M, Esni F, Heeger K, Dengler J, Slater EP, Holler JPN, Baier A, Bartsch DK, Waldmann J. Oncogene 2018; 37:1845-1856
Chronic pancreatitis and systemic inflammatory response syndrome prevent impact of chemotherapy with gemcitabine in a genetically engineered mouse model of pancreatic cancer.
Knoop RF, Sparn M, Waldmann J, Plassmeier L, Bartsch DK, Lauth M, Hudemann C, Fendrich V. Neoplasia 2014; 16:463-70
Hedgehog inhibition with cyclopamine represses tumor growth and prolongs survival in a transgenic mouse model of islet cell tumors
3. Fendrich V, Rehm J, Maschuw K, Waldmann J, Bucholz M, Christofori G, Slater EP, Bartsch DK Ann Surg 2011; 253:546-52
The Angiotensin-I-converting Enzyme Inhibitor Enalapril and Aspirin delay progression of Pancreatic Intraepithelial Neoplasia and cancer formation in a genetically engineered mouse model of
2. Fendrich V, Chen NM, Neef M, Waldmann J, Bucholz M, Feldmann G, Slater EP, Maitra A, Bartsch DK Gut 2010; 59:630-7.
Hedgehog signaling regulates facultative progenitor activity in regenerating exocrine pancreas
1. Fendrich V, Esni F, Garay MV, Feldmann G, Habbe N, Jensen JN, Dor Y, Stoffers D, Jensen J, Leach SD, Maitra A Gastroenterology 2008; 135:621-31.