Dr Peter Sand
Dr Peter Sand
As important as a good operation is, the aftercare is crucial. Rehab physicians as “conductors” of an excellent therapeutic team ensure harmonious and sustainably positive feedback from patients.
Chief physician - Hospital for Orthopaedics Rehabilitation
Specialist for orthopaedics, specialist for physical and rehabilitative medicine
Supervisory senior physician / Chief physician
Clinic for Orthopaedic Rehabilitation, Schoen Clinic Neustadt
Clinic for Orthopaedic Rehabilitation, Schoen Clinic Neustadt
Senior physician
Orthopaedic Rehab Clinic, Rheumatism Clinic Bad Bramstedt
Orthopaedic Rehab Clinic, Rheumatism Clinic Bad Bramstedt
Training assistant
Lübeck University Hospital
Lübeck University Hospital
Training assistant
University Hospital in Zurich
University Hospital in Zurich
Training assistant
Federal Armed Forces Hospital in Munich
Federal Armed Forces Hospital in Munich