+49 89 2872410
Professor Dr Markus Walther
Professor Dr Markus Walther

Professor Dr Markus Walther

By consistently studying and dealing with the treatment results with publications in trade journals and at conventions, the hospital will continue to establish itself as the primary location for highly-specialised medicine for the musculoskeletal system.

Medical Director - Schoen Clinic Munich Harlaching

Chief physician - Specialist Centre for Foot and Ankle Joint Surgery


Specialist in orthopaedics and trauma surgery


since 2012
Medical director
​​​​​​​Schoen Clinic München Harlaching
since 2008
Universität Würzburg
since 2005
Chief physician at the Centre for Foot and Ankle Joint Surgery
​​​​​​​Schoen Clinic München Harlaching
1996 - 2005
Senior physician
​​​​​​​University of Würzburg
1992 - 1996
Specialist training
​​​​​​​University of Erlangen
1986 - 1992
Study of human medicine
​​​​​​​University of Erlangen



M. Walther, O. Gottschalk and M. Aurich


M. Walther, V. Krenn and K. Pfahl


M. Walther, U. Szeimies, O. Gottschalk, A. Roser, K. Pfahl and H. Horterer


M. Walther, O. Gottschalk, H. Madry, P. E. Muller, M. Steinwachs, P. Niemeyer, et al.


M. Walther, V. Valderrabano, M. Wiewiorski, F. G. Usuelli, M. Richter, T. S. Baumfeld, et al.

Influence of the medial malleolus osteotomy on the clinical outcome of M-BMS + I/III Collagen Scaffold in medial talar osteochondral lesions (German Cartilage Register).

Gottschalk O, Baumbach S, Altenberger S, Körner D, Aurich M, Plaas C, Ettinger S, Guenther D, Becher C, Hörterer H, Walther M.
Cartilage (2020)

Bildgebende Diagnostik des Fußes und Sprunggelenks.

Szeimies U, Stäbler A, Walther M.
Thieme Stuttgart, 2020 (ISBN 978-3132408005)

Knöcherne Verletzungen des Sprunggelenks im Kindesalter.

Walther M, Röser A, Hörterer H, Harrasser N, Gottschalk O, Wölfel R.
Pädiatrische Praxis (2020) 95:138-150.

Minimalinvasive Komponenten der Therapie der Tibialis posterior Insuffizienz des Erwachsenen.

Walther M, Hörterer H, Harrasser N, Röser A, Gottschalk O.
Orthopäde (2020) 49:962-967 (https://doi.org/10.1007/s00132-020-03990-w)

Is there clinical evidence to support autologous matrix-induced chondrogenesis (AMIC) for chondral defects in the talus? A systematic review and meta-analysis.

Walther M, Valderrabano V, Wiewiorski M, Usuelli FG, Richter M, Baumfeld TS, Kubosch J, Gottschalk O, Wittmann U.
Foot Ankle Surg (2020) 15;S1268-7731(20)30164-8 (https://doi.org/ 10.1016/j.fas.2020.07.011)