+49 89 2872410
Highly specialised treatment near Hamburg
Concentrate entirely on yourself and regain your joy of life

Schoen Clinic Bad Bramstedt

The Schoen Clinic in Bad Bramstedt is the largest specialist clinic for psychosomatics and psychotherapy in Germany and is located about 45 minutes away from Hamburg in the middle of a soothing forest landscape. Here, you can Bin under the guidance of our experienced medical, psychological, and therapeutic teams. Thanks to our many highly specialised treatment options, we are able to cater to your symptoms individually and offer you the most effective form of therapy.


Your accommodation when staying with us

Accommodation is provided in a spacious single room on the Schön Comfort Ward. These rooms feature high-quality furniture and an atmospheric lighting concept. The bed linen is changed every other day on request. An electrically adjustable bed, comfortable seating, and a private desk leave nothing to be desired at any time of day. You can safely store your valuables in your safe. A refrigerator is available in the room for cooling smaller snacks and drinks.

The bathroom, with shower and toilet, has high-quality fittings and offers enough space and room for storing your paraphernalia. The following are also available to you:

  • Bathrobes
  • On request, fresh towels every day (large shower towel and two other towels)
  • Hairdryer
  • Body care set
  • Slippers
  • Make-up mirror (illuminated)

The Schön Comfort Lounge offers you a special place to retreat. Here, you can relax, exchange ideas with your fellow patients, or simply enjoy your coffee or tea.

We spoil our patients with an extensive menu selection. At all meals, we offer you a wide choice of food and drinks. We display the menus on a weekly basis.

We want you to feel good. Our service team therefore takes care of your well-being. Your personal patient carer is available to you for all questions and individual requests.

With us, you will find a place of peace and security, simply a temporary home in which you feel comfortable. You can feel that, for us, you are not only a respected patient but also a welcome guest. A pleasant atmosphere, a comfortable ambience, and warm service are basic conditions that noticeably contribute to the success of treatment.


Impressions of our clinic


Living with torturous tinnitus is a challenge that can push you to the limits of your resilience. If the "ringing in your ears" drowns out other noises, it interferes with concentration at work as well as recovery during nighttime sleep.

In contrast to acute tinnitus, chronic tinnitus lasts longer than three to six months. These noises in the ear – whether they occur continuously or on a variable basis, in one or both ears – greatly affect the lives of those affected, regardless of the cause. In order to effectively treat chronic tinnitus, we at the Schön Klinik in Bad Bramstedt rely on the principles of cognitive behavioural therapy.

In cooperation with our medical and therapeutic teams, we coordinate with one another across disciplines and develop an individual treatment plan for you. In the process, an understanding is developed of the relationships, symptoms, and causes of the disorder, as well as of the experience of the impairments. In addition, we take into account individual circumstances and stress factors, which it may be possible to alter therapeutically during the first steps.

You will carry out practice-oriented measures, such as hearing therapy or dealing with noises in the ear, under the guidance of our experts. These would also include handling hearing aids, if this is relevant to you. Our specialists will also guide you in implementing what you have learned independently. Particular attention is paid here to reducing the experience of impairment as a result of ear noises and improving your handling of stress and burdens.

With progressive muscle relaxation (PME), you will learn how to control your internal tension. On top of this, mindfulness therapy, biofeedback, and sports and exercise therapy will also form part of your tinnitus therapy. If you have any questions about medications in connection with tinnitus treatment, our specialists are at your disposal with their expertise.


We want to support you in regaining your zest for life and leading an active life again without depression. To this end, our experts at the Schoen Clinic in Bad Bramstedt rely on proven cognitive behavioural therapy, in which you learn strategies and skills to free yourself from your depression. This means that you will receive sustained help to help yourself.

The first step out of depression is "inner acceptance". Despite our enlightened society, this disease is still a "taboo" for many: what is not allowed does not exist. This first step is therefore about accepting the disorder for yourself. The next step in your treatment will be to develop an explanatory model for YOUR depression: in the therapy sessions, we are mainly concerned with you learning to recognise your depressive thought and behaviour patterns and to transform them into new, constructive patterns. You will learn problem-solving strategies, can possibly exchange ideas with other people affected, and, at the same time, will be able to build up social contacts and practise skills in dealing with others. Sports therapy, mindfulness training, and biofeedback will also support you in gaining positive experiences.

The treatment concept of the Schoen Clinic in Bad Bramstedt is "guideline-oriented", which means that we work according to scientific findings. Guideline-oriented therapy also includes antidepressants for some forms of depression: with a detailed consultation informing you about and explaining the advantages and disadvantages, the possible side effects, and the benefits for relieving your symptoms, we want to enable you to decide for yourself whether you want to take a medication or not.

For different age and occupational groups, we offer special treatment concepts that are precisely tailored to their respective needs, for example, for older people who are affected, or for teachers. If you have other mental illnesses in addition to depression, we are also able to treat these with specific therapeutic measures. This way, you will be optimally supported on your path out of depression and towards a better quality of life.


At the Schoen Clinic in Bad Bramstedt, we offer patients with eating disorders and obesity individually adapted behavioural medicine treatment that goes beyond pure obesity therapy. We rely on a multimodal treatment, i.e., a combination of behavioural therapy, medical care, and nutritional and movement therapy (aqua aerobics, walking), as well as mindfulness therapies and biofeedback. The treatment team is accordingly interdisciplinary and consists of medical, psychotherapeutic and specialist colleagues.

The important thing is that you do not do a "weight loss cure" with us. Rather, we uphold an "anti-diet principle" in our clinic. The aim of treatment with us will be to reduce the symptoms of your disorder, to improve your general health and to help you return to a better quality of life. Although weight loss can be achieved in almost all our patients during their stay in the clinic, the treatment of the eating disorder will be the main focus of therapy, not the fight against obesity.

In addition to eating disorders, patients with obesity often have other mental illnesses, such as anxiety disorders, ADHD/ADD, or personality disorders. If possible, these clinical pictures are included in the diagnostic and therapeutic process.

Our hospital is also able to factor any concomitant or secondary physical diseases that might be present, such as type-2 diabetes or high blood pressure, into the therapy and treat these as well.

Course of a typical therapy week

  • Individual therapy 
  • Swimming/water aerobics 
  • Ergometer training 
  • Velusjet (if weight permits)
  • Visits: every working day
  • Medical consultation: if required
  • Meals with support
  • Nutritional counselling
  • Teaching kitchen if necessary 
  • Shopping training if required
  • Biofeedback

Binge eating

The therapy concept is based on the so-called anti-diet principle, as recommended for eating disorders, supplemented by strategies to improve the regulation of tension or emotions.

During our many years of experience, the following main treatment goals have emerged:

Five main objectives:

  • Flexible control of eating behaviour
  • Acceptance of one's body or weight, with realistic weight expectations for the future
  • Improving self-esteem and self-confidence
  • Learning to deal better with tension/stress and feelings in everyday life
  • Concomitant treatment of frequently existing mental disorders, such as depression and (social) anxiety, as well as impulse control disorders

Our focus when treating binge eating or "grazing" (eating disorder in which a person eats many small meals throughout the day without feeling hungry) is on changing your dietary behaviour – from the regularity of your meals to the composition and balance of the foods. To this end, it is important that, together with our experts, you first understand your illness, the symptoms, and the background to your recurrent binge eating.

Our therapists will then show you how to develop mindful eating habits without dieting and how to return to an orderly eating rhythm. In psychotherapy, you will learn to strengthen your self-esteem in one-on-one conversations and to cope with stress in the future without recurring binge eating. It is important to us here to give you the necessary help to help yourself with your binge eating disorder. In order for you to also master critical situations at home after the treatment, we therefore work with you to develop relapse prophylaxis and emergency plans, for example. This way, you can return to your everyday life strengthened and know how to recognise and counteract any recurring symptoms at an early stage.

In treating binge eating disorder, we at the Schoen Clinic in Bad Bramstedt combine various behavioural medicine treatment modules to give you the most versatile support possible (so-called "multimodal" treatment concept). This also includes movement therapy measures, such as water aerobics and walking, but also mindfulness therapies and biofeedback.

Course of a typical therapy week

  • Individual therapy 
  • Swimming/water aerobics 
  • Ergometer training 
  • Velusjet (if weight permits)
  • Visits: every working day
  • Medical consultation: if required
  • Meals with support
  • Nutritional counselling
  • Teaching kitchen if necessary 
  • Shopping training if required
  • Biofeedback


If your anxieties gain the upper hand in everyday life, you will find professional help from us at the Schoen Clinic in Bad Bramstedt. One focus is on therapy for anxiety disorders, from specifically focused anxieties to generalised anxiety disorder. For those who sufferer from panic disorders and from social phobia, we have our own treatment focuses.

Our treatment is based on the principles of cognitive behavioural therapy. Our therapeutic and medical teams work together across disciplines to achieve the best possible result and to help you achieve a better quality of life with the aid of a treatment plan that has been individually compiled for you. At the beginning of your inpatient therapy, a detailed medical history of your disease will be taken. Together with you, we will take a close look at the causes, symptoms, and factors that are maintaining your anxiety disorder and how these interact.

Building on this, our experienced experts look to individual psychotherapy with therapeutic sessions. There, you will learn to break the cycle of anxiety by recognising automatic thought and behaviour patterns that crop up again and again in certain situations – and then being able to change them in the next step. A central element of your treatment is also exposure therapy, in which you directly confront the triggers of your anxieties and thereby overcome them.

Your treatment plan will be complemented by relaxation and mindfulness exercises and biofeedback, as well as various sports and exercise therapies. If it is expedient for your treatment, your therapeutic reference persons will prescribe further therapies, such as art and occupational therapy, animal-assisted therapy with a dog, etc. In the case of specific phobias or the occurrence of strong physical symptoms, in particular, it will be necessary and prudent to adapt your treatment plan accordingly.

Our goal is to make you fit for everyday life again quickly and to free you from your anxiety disorder long term with our treatment. We can usually also take into account any mental illnesses that may have onset in addition to your anxiety disorder, such as depression or obsessive-compulsive disorder.


If a traumatic event will no longer let you out of its grasp and massively affects your everyday life, you will find professional help with us. In a protected and trusting environment, our experienced therapists will support you in processing your trauma. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental illness that can be successfully treated.


When you start treatment for your post-traumatic stress disorder, it is important for you to establish a trusting relationship with your therapist. Together, you will discuss the next treatment steps for your psychotherapy. Each patient goes through a diagnostic process at the start of treatment. In addition, an individual disorder model is created, from which the specific interventional strategies are derived.

Post-traumatic stress disorder is preceded by a traumatic experience. It will be important to talk about and understand the triggers of your PTSD and your current stresses. Sometimes, a differential diagnosis that goes even deeper is helpful here. The subsequent therapy for the post-traumatic stress disorder consists of three phases:
1.    Stabilisation
2.    Confrontation
3.    Coping with integration

Depending on your individual needs and post-traumatic symptoms, we will supplement your treatment plan with additional offerings, such as mindfulness training, biofeedback, movement and creative therapies, or relaxation procedures. If your post-traumatic stress disorder is particularly pronounced, we can also support your therapy with medication.


International Patient Management

The International Patient Management in Bad Bramstedt is your central point of contact as a patient from (non-EU) countries. You can contact us in all matters relating to your stay. In close coordination with the doctors, we offer you support in all administrative matters of your planned stay.

How to apply

1. Initial Inquiry

• Contact the International Office: Reach out to us via phone +49 89 287241 - 149 or our online inquiry form. Provide details about your medical condition and the type of treatment you are seeking.

• Consultation and Information: Our team will review your inquiry and provide you with information about the treatment options, estimated costs, and the necessary documentation required for your admission.


2. Medical Evaluation

• Preliminary Assessment: You may be asked to submit medical reports, imaging results, and other relevant documents for a preliminary evaluation.

• Specialist Consultation: Based on the initial assessment, we will arrange a consultation with a specialist. This can be conducted in person or via telemedicine.


3. Admission Process

• Treatment Plan and Cost Estimate: After the specialist consultation, you will receive a detailed treatment plan along with an estimated cost.

• Visa Assistance: If needed, our International Office will provide support in obtaining a medical visa for your treatment.

• Travel Arrangements: We can assist with travel arrangements, including transportation and accommodation options close to our facilities.


4. Arrival and Admission

• Welcome and Orientation: Upon arrival, you will be welcomed by our Staff, who will provide an orientation to our facilities.

• Admission Formalities: Complete the necessary admission formalities with the help of our staff. This includes medical check-ups and preparation for your treatment.


5. Discharge and Follow-Up

• Discharge Planning: When you are ready for discharge, our team will provide you with a detailed discharge plan, including instructions for home care and medications.

• Telemedicine Follow-Up: telemedicine services for follow-up consultations and ongoing support after you return home.

Khaled Guizani

Khaled Guizani

Head of International Patient Management